Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thirsty Tuesday?

Right when I was swearing myself off men, two come a-knockin' on my door!
The one I actually care about is a guy named Jon.
We used to work together but he quit and now he works for his Dad's restaurant.
Tonight, at work my boss told me that Jon was coming in to work for a couple hours.
I should probably mention, I've had a thing for Jon since we started working together in the beginning of September...on the other hand, I have a thing for half the male student body at my high school.

Anywho, I ask my boss what time Jon was planning to come in and he said 5.

Me- Where's your boy?
Boss- He's a frickin' liar! He always tells me he's coming and never shows up. Whatever, I don't give a shit if he comes or not.
Me- Yes, you do. You're clearly upset.
Boss- No, I do not!
Me- Uh, sure. Anyways, maybe he's just running late. No big.

5:25 Jon arrives
Boss- See Elyse, I told you he'd show up. (to Jon) She was all worried you wouldn't be here.
*Cue death glare and silent plotting of poisoning boss' coffee*

A little while later, Jon went to the package store to pick up some beer.
While he's gone my boss explained to me how he is going to hook me and Jon up.
Sure, Gramps. Work your magic cause clearly you've been the missing secret weapon I've needed all along.

The rest of the night was very fun. We had a few beers and laughs, did I mention I fucking LOVE my job? What 17 year old gets paid for this shit?

Jon asked me to have a smoke with him after we closed so I gladly obliged.
It was a sweet little conversation and at one point he grabbed my hand- can't say I minded a bit. My boss made his exit by saying "Bye Lovebirds"

Er... Do I say something? (I didn't want Jon to think I thought this was some big romantic moment if he was on a totally different page)
But, nope. I didn't and neither did Jon. =]
We left it off by me promising I'd go visit him at work tomorrow and I intend to keep that promise.

The other guy is pretty hot but I don't really know enough about him yet to add anything to this post. All I know is that, I am not getting my hopes up because I refuse to say, "It's all right, I just had my hopes up for this one, that's all."
I won't do it damnit.


So@24 said...

Well well well... it always works out that way, doesn't it?

Kudos! Keep us posted!

ETP said...

I'm hanging with Jon saturday and the other fellow Joe wants to hang out soon too. Maybe i'll doublebook them to really make for some good blog material.

Laura said...

What on earth do you do that you get paid to drink beers and have a laugh?

I want your job.

ETP said...

I'm a waitress at a little Italian restaurant. It's family owned and I've known the guys forever so I basically do whatever I want. Again, my job rules. so hard!

guerreiranigeriana said...

you know, i almost didn't read your blog when your profile said that you were a teenager...then you said that you were a good writer...so i decided to take a peek...and what a pleasant surprise!!!...you can write...nice post...so cute...i remember those good ole days in high school...*turns and exits in a daze*...

ETP said...

Ah well thank you. The whole teenager thing can be a bit of a red flag but in a lot of ways my life is just as fucked as yours, I suppose I just have more time to make mistakes.