Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hey Everybody!

It's my birthday on Saturday WOOOO.
Except not really. Well it's my birthday, I'm just not "WOOOO"ing about it.
I'm looking forward to it I suppose but it will just be like every other Saturday except I'll put a lot of pressure on it to be the BEST Saturday ever and then when it is less than or equal to every other one, I'll be let down.
I can already feel it happening.
I make a HUGE deal out of my bday every year. Why? I have no fucking idea.
I always end up being disapointed at how unfun they seemingly always turn out to be.
I got some cute clothes today for the weekend bash so hopefully they'll bring me some luck and maybe some booty too.

Plans are thus far:
saturday- Bertuccis around 7ish with all of my amigos.
THEN HOPEFULLY, I'll be going to my friend's house afterward accompanied by all of my amigos to get shitfaced and God willing, ready to make some bad decisions.

All I want for my birthday is a hot dude to make out with and a 6 pack of Bud Light.
Seriously, is that too much to fucking ask for? REALLY?

Is it just me or is there a recurring theme in my blog?
It's just been a while, folks.

Elyse here needs a boyfriend. bad.

Don't judge me for speaking in the 3rd person, I rarely ever do. Just on special occasions when the subject is quite serious.

blahhh wish me luck, I sure as fuck need it.


Anonymous said...

I hate birthdays. It always makes me look back and think "What the fuck have I been doing all year? Where has the time gone?"

Good luck with the booze and making out thing. The east coast is weird because there are cute girls but most all the guys seem short and/or fat.

ETP said...

Well, getting drunk is the least of my worries. That's in the bag.
But as for everything else, I'm still not sure. Its currently 5:30 ON my birthday and everything tonight is still pretty tentative.

If I can say one thing, my day so far has been fantastic:]

So@24 said...

All I want is a hot girl and a 6 pack.

We're kind of the same?