Thursday, August 28, 2008

What I've been waiting for...

Sunday is the big day! I'm packin' up and headin' out into the world of the unknown.
One undoubtedly to be filled with hook ups, hang overs, fuck ups, and do-overs.

I'm a little scared, weren't you?
Is my roommate going to be a tool?
Is it true that you'll get warts in the shower sans flip-flops?
How the fuck am I going to survive on the contents left in my bank account after the last purchase of a macbook?
Will dudes find me cute and funny and laugh at my jokes?
Will I find dudes cute and funny and be able to sincerely laugh at their jokes?

So, it's a little overwhelming but I can honestly say I'm ready.
No strings attached, no messy break ups right at the end of the summer..
Just long heartfelt hugs to friends with whom I've shared countless memories and in turn, our adolescence.

So Sunday I'll be moving out and moving on to the whole other life awaiting me.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


So I had the last cigarette of my pack this morning and then drank in excess with my boss tonight at work. The weathers really shitty tonight so I can't really go out, i.e. get my nicotine fix in the process, so all I was left to do was just pick a fight with my mom over my sister and how she has endless freedom and I don't have enough.

I never pick fights. I just fucking begged for one. That was ridiculous. I was yelling at her for nothing. It's almost comical because I'm not naturally a very confrontational person but take away my nicotine and I'll fucking bite your head off.

I should quit.

Oh, how the tables have turned!

I know I was on hiatus for a few months but I think I'm back now for good. I missed all of your blogs and I've spent the last couple weeks catching up on all of my favorites. So! I guess I'll catch you up on what's been happening with me as well.

For those of you who remember Joe, well lets just say, I won so fucking hard!
I do not remember whether or not I posted about him calling me up, while he had a girlfriend, and asking me to go to a party with him. So-

I made sure I looked adorable and showed up fashionably late with a vengeance. We were getting along like old pals until we both started drinking heavily and then things got kind of weird.

He started off on how he still really liked me and how he didn't love his girlfriend anymore blahblahblah. I wasn't really falling for any of this but I still kind of went along with it. Then! He actually started begging me to kiss him. HA! Saying things like, "Just one?" Really, Joe? Easy does it.

Right when I was leaving, I excused myself to the bathroom. After I was all freshened up, I open the door only to find Joe waiting for me! He kind of sort of trapped me and we ended up making out. Oops! This led to him asking me to sleep over and whatever else. After I politely refused for the millionth time, he asked me to hang out tomorrow. "Uh, yeah maybe." "Why not definitely?" "Well because I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow!" And with that I kissed him on the cheek and never saw him again. Victory is mine!

Do I regret kissing him? Nope, cause I got mine. Do I regret letting him cheat on his girlfriend? Not even a little bit.

He then called me almost every single night without fail after this. I never responded or even took the calls until one day I just straight up told him I had a boyfriend and was not even a little interested. Tough break.

Me having a boyfriend at the time was true but not so much anymore. But I'll save that whole run down for another post.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hey I'm not dead!

I just needed some new material. My posts were getting bitter and repetitive. Summer's almost over, another boy's come and gone, and I'll be off to college in just a few weeks! I am ridiculously excited.

As for now, days are pretty lazy on the East Coast. I sleep in, go to work, go out with friends/ stay in and read. Life isn't seriously thrilling or anything but I know the best is yet to come and right now I just have to enjoy my friends before I leave them all in the dust. Just kidding, I could never. Mostly because there's always next summer and smoking pot by yourself is never as fun as everyone makes it out to be!

Alright. Best be off to work.