Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mortar got me-

Everybody's playing tag, so now I have to join in.OK, let's get this over with. Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog...

2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself...

3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs...

4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Seven things??? Well, here goes-

1. I'm closer to my mom than my dad but I always thought I'd be more devestated if my dad died.

2. I'm one of the youngest in my grade and yet I feel years ahead of most. (not to brag)

3. I'm one of 6, 3 are step though. I never see them and I don't mind.

4. I've always been envious of my oldest sister because she had 8 years of dance traning and I had one lousy one.

5. The one lousy year of dance- the pants of my costume were too long so my mom stapled them instead of hemming them, before the recital. During the recital the staples fell out and I fell on my ass. I wrote a paper on it, maybe I'll post it.

6. Many of my peers nominated me for "Most Pessimistic" but I don't think I'm pessimistic at all... I'm just opinionated and I'm proud of my opinions, at least I fucking have some. <---see right there. That's not pessimism, is it?

7. I once told my father my grand plan for my life (graduate from UConn, move to NYC, become a Physician's Assistant, travel throughout Europe, etc.) Then he told me, "Well, what if you meet a guy and fall in love? What then? OR what if you got pregnant? Shit happens. What if your plan doesn't work out?" I'm not sure why he said this to me but it scared the shit out of me. No one has ever suggested I might fail at something. My generation has been told, "Get an education and you can conquer the world AND your dreams!"

I'm horribleeee at those damn links. Thus, I will simply tell you that I will probably tag all the people to the right (my favorite deliquents) And Mortar tagged me=)

Monday, October 29, 2007

How hard do I rule?

Oh yeah- this hard:

I'm the Indian-clearly the best dancer...and we're missing our other two village people, they were in class maybe.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dumbledore Goes Gay?

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I find this to be a bit absurd. I mean really, quite absurd. There was NO mention of this in any of the books. Okay, so in the last one he had some weird admiration for another dude wizard (redundant?) but that was certainly not enough evidence to jump to the conclusion that the Big Headmaster D was also a wand connoisseur! JK is trying to trip me up, I know it. Trying to reach out to the gay community, are ya JK? What's next! Harry, an illegitimate child? Snape, Muslim? Ron, strawberry blonde?

But really, I'm pissed. I think I'm a pretty insightful reader and in most circumstances have a pretty accurate Gay-dar. This one is throwing me for a loop.

On a slightly more serious note, why does sexual orientation have to be at all included in the book? And if no one picked up on it, why tell everyone about it anyway? There was a reason you made it so SUBTLE no one even noticed. Dumbledore is just a character, hes not a real person. The book does not include his religious denomination or his health record so why do I give a shit about whether he likes dudes or not? It's not relevant to the story. Way to go, JK.

Monday, October 22, 2007

If you wear this:

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I will automatically write you off as a douche bag.

You are driving.

Under no other circumstances is it socially acceptable to wear a fucking headset.
Cellphones are portable people! That's the beauty of it! No need to wear a headset like you are someone important.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Are braces making a comeback?

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NO. but more on that later.

Finally, I get to enjoy a wonderfully boring weekend. I'm soo thankful to just relax and not think. I have nowhere I have to be this weekend except for work Sunday. Also, tonight I had to play in a band concert and rocked the mothafuckin house.
But other than that, I can do whatever.
Tonight after the concert, my friend sarah and I headed over to starbucks for tea and girl talk.
(side note: it's really fucking pouring right now! torrential downpour! gahh)

There, I got to hang out with all the kool kidz as they sucked down cigarette after cigarette and discussed real kool shyt lyke DeathXCore bands and how awesome cigarettes are. In lieu of partaking in this intense conversation, Sarah and I sort of huddled in a corner and steered clear of the douche bag debauchery.

I went inside quick to use the facilities when I made eye contact with a fairly attractive dude.
(side note: I was about 20 feet away and my contacts aren't exactly up to par)
He was definitely staring and so I smiled and just kept on walkin'.
Later, he decided to come outside and try to talk to me. Very bold.
Not only was he about 5'4 (I'm almost 5'7 and will not accept anything under 5'9) but he had BRACES. BRACES!! He was like "sooo uh, how old are you guys??" "Too old for you bud." He was a sophomore in High school and a bit repulsive. He had nothing good to say and I was trying DESPERATELY to move away from him. To my poor fortune, homeboy couldn't take a hint.
I ended up pulling conversation out of my arse and then told him we had to hit the road.
THEN! He asks for a ride home. The nerve! And I should mention, seconds before he asked for a ride, he had to clarify my name.
I didn't even consider this one. There was no hesitation whatsoever. "Absolutely not. Nice meeting you! Uh buh-bye."
We had met for about 5 minutes and suddenly I'm your ride home? I think not! It's not my fault you're 15 and don't have your license. Nor is it my fault that you thought it was a good idea to go to Starbucks when it was pouring outside knowing you had no ride home.
I should have inquired what I would receive in return. That would have tripped him up good.

Other than the awkward encounter, I had a great night with Sarah. Nice conversation and good laughs. Tomorrow, I'm hitting up a bonfire with my friend Anthony, whom I haven't see in nearly 2 months! So I'm psyched for that. Other than that, I have nothing good to say.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

What if the world really ends in 2012?

My friend, Craig, just freaked me the FUCK out.
What if it really does end then?
I have so much left to see, to do, to say, to fight for.
5 years?

I refuse to believe it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

For Christ's Sake

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This was one of the features on CNN yesterday. REALLY, CNN? I MEAN, REALLY?
This is the best you fucks can do?

"Britney Spears in a pink wig?? Golly gee, Barbara! The viewers are going to pee themselves when this gets out!"

I no longer give a shit about Britney Spears. Dead, alive, childless, bald, whatever.

Let's talk about something of value CNN. YOU'RE FUCKING CNN.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Dear Movie Theatres of Patheticut,


all of you advertised it.
and made me almost cry at the previews
undoubtedly gave me chills
made me fall in love with just the fucking PREVIEW.

and then when it comes time to finally watch one of the potentially greatest movies ever on the silver screen, you decide "NOPE!" and refuse to air it anywhere in CT.




Saturday, October 6, 2007

4-day Weekends are the Coolest.

So! I have been blessed (!) with a 4-day weekend and I couldn't be more excited.

Well, I probably could be more excited if the Yanks had won Friday night. Or, if A-rod wasn't such a piece of SHIT! Or if Red Sox fans could shut the hell up! Serenity now!

In spirit of the 4-day vaca, I decided to go to CCSU (where my sister goes) to celebrate Thirsty Thursday. Boy, did we celebrate...until 3:30 am in fact. And then, once we got back to my sister's dorm, I continued to celebrate by laying down (it can't even be considered sleep) on the CONCRETE floor. Awesome. After waking up every 45 min, I decided to delete all my old text messages, shop for ring tones, look through my pictures on my camera...need I go on?

Thank God I had a damn good night (well, prior to the sleeping situation)
I went to CCSU with 2 good friends, Pat and Sarah.
They decided to bring every pillow/blanket from their house so when we got there we had to walk around campus along with Bed, Bath & Beyond. Awesome. (side note: maybe not such a bad idea on their part after the concrete bed incident)

We met up with my sister and then walked over to an apartment building to go to some party. It was actually pretty cool. Definitely a change of pace from the parties I normally attend. There was a beer pong table, but it wasn't the main focus of the room- actually a VERYYY nice change of pace. I have come to loathe beer pong after the boys in my grade started to beat off to it at night. I don't see the enormous attraction, but whatever guys love it.

Pat, Sarah and I were all sort of doing our own thing for the first hour or so and then managed to find our way back together over near the smokers' corner.

THEN! dundundunn My motherfucking ex-boyfriend walks in. The same one that dated me for 2 years and then broke up with me to go to see the world, i.e. Oklahoma State University. WHO THE FUCK GOES TO OKLAHOMA? My ex-boyfriend.

Yeah so he walks in. I nearly throw up from shock. (side note: the last time I saw the bastard was at a party 6 months ago. I got wasted and basically told him to fuck himself.) As I am trying to light a cigarette, I am seriously shaking and as I quote Sarah, "You're a mess! You're a hot mess!" Just horrible.

We make eye contact and do the awkward wave thing that ex-couples do.
Instinctively, I decide to take a couple of shots to calm the nerves and it does the trick.
We actually start talking and it goes extremely well, not at all awkward.

The rest of the night goes smoothly and not all that interesting so I won't elaborate.

Last night, I went over to my friends house where a bunch of people met up.
My friend, Dave, went too and it was a bit weird.
We've been on and off REALLY flirtatious for about a year and a half.
A couple weeks ago, I approached him and tried to figure shit out once and for all.
Of course, that's just too simple. Everything has to be complicated to be fun sooo he turns me down and says he doesn't want a relationship to affect our friendship.

The other day after school, we went to Starbucks. On the way there (I drove) he kept looking over at me and even told me how pretty I looked and how cute I was. Then at Starbucks, he had his arm around me the whole time, paid for my drink, and then positioned his chair right next to mine so our legs were practically overlapping. He asked me to meet up later that night, but I told him I was going to CCSU and couldn't. Then, he asked me what I was doing Friday night, and if maybe I wanted to watch a movie.

Friday night, I call him and he is like, "ohh Elyse! I totallyyy forgot all about that. Sorry, I'm out right now. Talk to you later."

Then, last night, I asked him to come to McDonalds and he full out refused. He showed me no attention and then proceeded to ask "what's wrong?" when I became visibly upset.

How long is too long? If I decide friendship can't cut it and a relationship won't work, he is out of my life entirely (the exact thing I'm trying to avoid.) I just don't know what to do.
Advice is welcomed. and demanded. GO!