Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dumbledore Goes Gay?

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I find this to be a bit absurd. I mean really, quite absurd. There was NO mention of this in any of the books. Okay, so in the last one he had some weird admiration for another dude wizard (redundant?) but that was certainly not enough evidence to jump to the conclusion that the Big Headmaster D was also a wand connoisseur! JK is trying to trip me up, I know it. Trying to reach out to the gay community, are ya JK? What's next! Harry, an illegitimate child? Snape, Muslim? Ron, strawberry blonde?

But really, I'm pissed. I think I'm a pretty insightful reader and in most circumstances have a pretty accurate Gay-dar. This one is throwing me for a loop.

On a slightly more serious note, why does sexual orientation have to be at all included in the book? And if no one picked up on it, why tell everyone about it anyway? There was a reason you made it so SUBTLE no one even noticed. Dumbledore is just a character, hes not a real person. The book does not include his religious denomination or his health record so why do I give a shit about whether he likes dudes or not? It's not relevant to the story. Way to go, JK.


Anonymous said...

This is why I don't read plebian trash lit.

ETP said...

Harry Potter is epic.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, epically lame.

Patchwork said...

the only thing that's epically lame is JK rowling using an elderly wizard's sexual idenity as means of creating buzz to surround her otherwise controversy-less books

Anonymous said...

Whoa! You changed the template. Craaazay.

Also, careful, yo! Don't wanna make people email me and be like "So who is that random teenage chick on your wall, yo? Pedophile!"

I mean, I know ya dig me, but that's not what they care about. C'mon...

ETP said...

Yeah I actually thought about that. Not that it could cause trouble, just that you'd freak out=) But okay, I won't write anymore on your wall. In my response back, I almost wrote "mortar" I'm not sure if that is a popular nickname for you, but if not that might have raised a few questions.

Is it possible YOU are the one who digs me? Why assume because I'm underage I automatically want to cyber? (hahahhaacyber)

Anonymous said...

Coming out was a big decision for dumbeldore. You should be more supportive, dammit!

Of course with his flamboyant clothing I guess it should have been obvious all along.. That and the fact he molested harry.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I haven't heard the word "cyber" used as a verb since I was like 14.

And for record, my memory of leaving that comment is a little hazy. Yeah, didn't mean to be mean.

But FYI, NO ONE in my real life knows about my blog and I'd really like to keep it that way. :)

ETP said...

Mortar- Yeah, no one knows I have one either. Except, patrick i.e. "solo pat" he's my bud from the CCSU post. Remember? and thats why I put "hahahahahcyber" cause I haven't heard it since I was a youngster either. NO COMMENTS.

Mister- I am supportive of Dumbledore ONLY and not JK. JK is dead to me after she outted Dumbledore.