Thursday, October 18, 2007

What if the world really ends in 2012?

My friend, Craig, just freaked me the FUCK out.
What if it really does end then?
I have so much left to see, to do, to say, to fight for.
5 years?

I refuse to believe it.


Anonymous said...

If the world ends in 2012 then you get to die while you're still young and supple, before college makes you a fat drunk. So be happy :)

Captain Smack said...

I don't mind. I just hope it's a giant meteor or something entertaining like that. At least we'd go out with a bang. It's better than dragging it out forever and ever with global warmimg and famine and all that. When the world ends, I want to be able to watch it happen while sitting in a lawn chair with a bottle of Jack Daniels.

ETP said...
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ETP said...

mortar- unfortunately, I'll be 22 at that point so I actually will be in college AND a fat drunk. but thank you for being optimistic.

Captain Smack- A giant meteor WOULD be nice. I just don't want NASA to have a field day 6 months in advance when they find the fucking meteor. Then you get to have a countdown to your impending death, the destruction of the earth and life as we know it. I'd like a days notice. So I can say goodbye and blahblahblah and so that I can pick up a few bottles of booze for the big showdown.