Friday, October 19, 2007

Are braces making a comeback?

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NO. but more on that later.

Finally, I get to enjoy a wonderfully boring weekend. I'm soo thankful to just relax and not think. I have nowhere I have to be this weekend except for work Sunday. Also, tonight I had to play in a band concert and rocked the mothafuckin house.
But other than that, I can do whatever.
Tonight after the concert, my friend sarah and I headed over to starbucks for tea and girl talk.
(side note: it's really fucking pouring right now! torrential downpour! gahh)

There, I got to hang out with all the kool kidz as they sucked down cigarette after cigarette and discussed real kool shyt lyke DeathXCore bands and how awesome cigarettes are. In lieu of partaking in this intense conversation, Sarah and I sort of huddled in a corner and steered clear of the douche bag debauchery.

I went inside quick to use the facilities when I made eye contact with a fairly attractive dude.
(side note: I was about 20 feet away and my contacts aren't exactly up to par)
He was definitely staring and so I smiled and just kept on walkin'.
Later, he decided to come outside and try to talk to me. Very bold.
Not only was he about 5'4 (I'm almost 5'7 and will not accept anything under 5'9) but he had BRACES. BRACES!! He was like "sooo uh, how old are you guys??" "Too old for you bud." He was a sophomore in High school and a bit repulsive. He had nothing good to say and I was trying DESPERATELY to move away from him. To my poor fortune, homeboy couldn't take a hint.
I ended up pulling conversation out of my arse and then told him we had to hit the road.
THEN! He asks for a ride home. The nerve! And I should mention, seconds before he asked for a ride, he had to clarify my name.
I didn't even consider this one. There was no hesitation whatsoever. "Absolutely not. Nice meeting you! Uh buh-bye."
We had met for about 5 minutes and suddenly I'm your ride home? I think not! It's not my fault you're 15 and don't have your license. Nor is it my fault that you thought it was a good idea to go to Starbucks when it was pouring outside knowing you had no ride home.
I should have inquired what I would receive in return. That would have tripped him up good.

Other than the awkward encounter, I had a great night with Sarah. Nice conversation and good laughs. Tomorrow, I'm hitting up a bonfire with my friend Anthony, whom I haven't see in nearly 2 months! So I'm psyched for that. Other than that, I have nothing good to say.



Anonymous said...

My eyes are still ok to drive, but they are not so great when it comes to determining if women more than ten feet away are attractive. It's led to a few times where I have smiled back at girls and then (mostly inwardly) went GAH! when I got a bit closer.

Anonymous said...

For some reason the image of a 16/17 yr old telling off a 15 yr old because he's too young really amuses me. Heheheheh.

ETP said...

Theres a big difference, thank you. First of all, he was a sophomore. I am a senior. That right there is a big enough age gap regardless of the numbers. Second of all, the boy had no game.

Third of all, in girl years: 16/17= 19/20 in boy years, so a 15 year old is just wayyy too young for me.

I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

I was dating a freshman in college when I was a junior in high school.