Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mortar got me-

Everybody's playing tag, so now I have to join in.OK, let's get this over with. Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog...

2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself...

3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs...

4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Seven things??? Well, here goes-

1. I'm closer to my mom than my dad but I always thought I'd be more devestated if my dad died.

2. I'm one of the youngest in my grade and yet I feel years ahead of most. (not to brag)

3. I'm one of 6, 3 are step though. I never see them and I don't mind.

4. I've always been envious of my oldest sister because she had 8 years of dance traning and I had one lousy one.

5. The one lousy year of dance- the pants of my costume were too long so my mom stapled them instead of hemming them, before the recital. During the recital the staples fell out and I fell on my ass. I wrote a paper on it, maybe I'll post it.

6. Many of my peers nominated me for "Most Pessimistic" but I don't think I'm pessimistic at all... I'm just opinionated and I'm proud of my opinions, at least I fucking have some. <---see right there. That's not pessimism, is it?

7. I once told my father my grand plan for my life (graduate from UConn, move to NYC, become a Physician's Assistant, travel throughout Europe, etc.) Then he told me, "Well, what if you meet a guy and fall in love? What then? OR what if you got pregnant? Shit happens. What if your plan doesn't work out?" I'm not sure why he said this to me but it scared the shit out of me. No one has ever suggested I might fail at something. My generation has been told, "Get an education and you can conquer the world AND your dreams!"

I'm horribleeee at those damn links. Thus, I will simply tell you that I will probably tag all the people to the right (my favorite deliquents) And Mortar tagged me=)


Anonymous said...

ABout 7 - that's what parents are for - crushing your hopes and dreams!

But, I don't see why he would remotely disapprove. You seem to have a great plan for your life. Most people have no plan at all.

ETP said...

Well I'm a bit ambitious. I've always wanted to go into the medical field so there's really no question there. I've always known I couldn't sit at a desk all day. And it wasn't that he disapproved, he just wanted me to hope for the best but also plan for the worst.