Thursday, November 22, 2007

Taking a moment to say grace

So, the whole point of this day is to realize what you have and then appreciate all of those things. Actually you're supposed to "thank" someone or something. Being a Christian, I thank God. However, I feel this day has become an excuse to stuff your fucking face. I actually for a minute considered saying a little pre-supper prayer (a little thing I like to call "GRACE" for all you disgraceful atheists! JK furealz!) and then I was like "Fuck it" and just started eating. Realllllll niccceee. Too lazy to even say thank you to the big man upstairs. My food sure as hell wasn't going anywhere.

So in light of my gluttony, I've formed a list of things I actually am thankful for, not necessarily in any particular order:

My car.
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You have no idea how thankful I am for my ride. Yesterday, I got into a huge fight with my sister (over BLUSH of all things UGH) and it ended with her screaming "It's so much fucking better when you're not around. All you do is bitch." and then me taking off in my car and crying in private. I'm not a huge crier, but that was straight up cunt-like.

Now, I'm certainly no drunkard HOWEVER! It really lightens the mood and encourages flirting and social interaction. No one NEEDS to get wasted* but a little liquor can do ya good! Plus, when you've had a horrible month nothing is better than just getting absolutely hammered with your best friends only to wake up the next morning and have NO idea where you are. (I love reminiscing about my b-day)

My family.

They are really wonderful. My parents split years back but it doesn't bother me much at all. My dad is my hero and he is always making me crack up laughing. My mom is completely different. I drink in front of her, not a lot but sometimes I'll have a beer or something on slightly special occasions. It is just one of those relationships where I could tell her anything and she'd be straight up honest with me. She is very understanding of my feelings and my lifestyle. She, however, does not like anything outside the norm. My sisters are also GREAT people. Leigh is 9 years older than me and is a barrel of laughs. She may not be all in one piece but she can make me laugh til I choke my own Thanksgiving dinner. (TRUE STORY) Brooke, my other sister, is not quite 2 years older than me. She has a wonderful boyfriend whom I look to as a brother. However, she lately has been a complete fucking bitch to me, but that's not to say she doesn't have a lot of good in her.

The Opposite Sex
Boy do I love 'em! wheewwww. Everything about them. Not to say I'm a big ol' tramp or whatevz but I've also never been called a prude either. There is this one boy I'm trying to woo right now. I'm a little unsure of what he's thinking but I'll know in time. He is Brooke's BF's very good friend. He comes over the house all the time, I spent the night in his dorm once (Nothing went down to my poor fortune cause he had a girlfriend or whatever SNOOOZE.) And for my b-day he drove about 30 min to come have dinner with me and whatever, a very nice gesture. He also asked Brooke's BF for my number and continued to call me incessantly for a couple days. He suddenly broke up with his GF of 2 years too...Except he hasn't called me since he broke things off with her which makes me think maybe he's just taking some time for himself, totally understandable. My neighbor (the coolest 50 year old you will ever meet) told me he noticed whenever Ryan was around, he seemed to have "big-eyes" for me. All good, right? FUCKINGMOTHERFUCK WRONG!

ETP: So, uh, Ryan broke up with his GF then?
Brooke: Uh, yeah, why?
ETP: Well, I saw it on Facebook so I just wanted to confirm it.
Brooke: Well, yeah but I hope you don't think you have a chance.
He thinks you're wayyyy too young.
ETP: (crying inside) no. I'm not into him or anything..just checkin'...

So is the never-ending saga of my pathetic excuse for a lovelife. This I am definitely not thankful for. Could be worse, could be A LOT better.

Back to Ryan- He's almost 21 and I'm 17. Granted it IS illegal BUT! It really isn't THAT bad. Most married couples meet around our age and typically are 5-6 years apart. SO there.

My new ipod

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It holds all my supercool music (which I'm ALSO thankful for) and I also donated to AFRICA by buying it in red! A tech-savvy philanthropist with supercool taste in music, all in one? Who knew!?

And of course my amazinnggg friends. They are truly wonderful. So are all of you!

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*I'm 17. The day I admit to myself (slash put in writing) that the status of my weekends is completely dependant on how liquored up I become, I might op for a Fanta instead. Thus, my reasoning for writing "no one NEEDS to get wasted" Bring on the booze!


Anonymous said...

Well, I am going to sound sleazier than usual, but in most states 16 is legal.

Separately all the things that you've mentioned are great, just don't mix them all together or you will get drunk, then pregnant, and your dad will run over your new boyfriend in your car.

The Charming Hedonist said...

"No one NEEDS to get wasted"

Clearly you've never met my mother.

ETP said...

Mister- Thanks for the legal advice! Thankfully for ME, my dad lives an hour away, my car is a piece of shit, and we practice birth control in East Coast Suburbia=)

Charming- Sounds to me your mom is my kinda woman.

Laura said...

'No one NEEDS to get wasted'

As you get older, you'll come to realise that getting wasted is the only way to get sometimes.

Also, where on earth do you live that 17 is underage?

Nice car, I sold mines. I wish I hadn't.

ETP said...

No, no. My car is a PIECE. as in PIECE OF SHIT. Every morning I try to start it like 6 times before the damn thing catches. OR it'll catch and then just shut off. Plus, I think the heat is broken.

'Nuff of my bitchin.
I'm pretty sure 17 is illegal throughout the it not? Consent is at 16, but only with people within 2 years of you. at 18 you can do just about anyone you want...only 358 days left..

Anonymous said...

Damn. I will postpone my flight til next year, then. You don't seem like the type to tell, but your parents could always do it.

If it is 18 then I better fake my own death. Again. Good thing I like to go by Rod Johnson most of the time.

ETP said...

You should change your display name to Quagmire. No? Just a suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Why Quagmire?

ETP said...

channel Family Guy.

Anonymous said...

Ouch. You know I'm only kidding. Besides, I'm more like Mel Brooks as the king of France in History of the World Part I.

It's good to be the king!