Monday, November 26, 2007

Everyone needs to complain once in a while

Everything lately seems a little off.
I don't feel like my normal self.
I feel like I'm just treading water until I fall off a big fucking waterfall or something, if that makes sense.
Nothing is new and yet I feel completely different.
I'm completely lazy and it disgusts me.
I can't even get my shit together for college applications
I'm doing it all by myself and I know you're probably thinking "wah wah wah I did too, everyone does, so just do it." But its just getting tiresome.
Work is the same day in and day out.
I don't learn in classes.
I don't do my homework.
I maintain decent grades but I haven't handed in a single homework assignment for the past 2 weeks so I'm sure I'm slowly but surely fucking myself royally.
Give me some damn inspiration, would you?


? said...

Imagine Rosie O'Donnell naked. There's some inspiration for ya.

Since you're applying for colleges, you must be in 11th grade, right? You have senioritis already?!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to puberty.

ETP said...

Blondie- Nope I'm a senior. You apply for colleges senior year!

Mortar- Thank you for the formal welcome, however I believe that I was officially sworn in when I got my period like 5 years ago. But thanks!

So@24 said...

No Mortar, welcome to being hung over.