Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Thanks, pal.

IM convo with a friend:

alex: you are cute, just not afraid to speak your mind
alex: which seems to frighten some
ETP: well i dont really care
ETP: i hate when people say that to me alex
ETP: i know you mean well
alex: say which
ETP: its not like the most pleasant thing to hear that i frighten people.
ETP: obviously the ones that matter stick around
alex: the ones that dont matter get frightened by a girl who actually shows some semblence of intelligence
ETP: and if half the people i "frighten" took 10 min to get to know me they'd probably find a lot more than a cynic
alex: there you go
ETP: yeah but no one gets that
ETP: and you bring it up all the time, do people say this a lot?
alex: its just a conclusion that ive reached listening to what you say and watching how people act
alex: but its what i think, and it would explain a lot of your boy issues

Forgive me, but if I'm not totally fucking off base here- this is indeed a round-about way of saying YOU ARE A BITCH.

Thanks, pal.


Anonymous said...

pretty much, but you are better off without them.

The only problem with being semi intelligent is that most people aren't.

So@24 said...

"You are cute, but just not afraid to speak your mind."

Is this guy also against woman's suffrage?

ETP said...

I wouldn't doubt it. A girl speaks her mind and she's a bitch, a guy speaks his mind and he's a politician. Not sure which is worse..

Mr R Rabbit said...

Wait, a guy speaking his mind is a politician? We must know of different politicians, the ones I know never speak their mind, that would be a form of honesty.

Really though it sounds like this Alex person has some serious insecurity issues and so tries to pin them on you somehow being strange by having a brain, something they themselves may lack.

ETP said...

Touche. Potential politician, maybe.

I won't sit here and say I can't be bitchy or opinionated, no one would read my blog if that were the case. However, like you said, pinning his shit on me and potentially exagerating my flaws is just not cool. He apologized later on.

Patchwork said...

You don't frighten, you inform.

And i mean, if someone is poorly dressed or has yellow teeth, then they are just begging for our brutal honesty..