Thursday, December 20, 2007

My love life is about as hot as the East Coast.

It's currently 12 fucking degrees outside.

I know you all keep telling me to quit this guy like a bad habit but I just can't. Maybe it's because I've actually fooled myself into believing, like so many women do, that there is something there when there really isn't. He's hot, he makes me laugh, I can hang out with him all day, and he pays for everything. Perfect right?
So, I'm not ready to back off just yet...I'll play it cool for a couple more weeks and if nothing results I'll know it wasn't meant to be.

Tonight, I went over to his house and we rented a XMen. Ordered Chinese. Hung out with his friend for a bit. At the end of the night, his friend left and I said:

ETP: I think I'll head out too.
JC: Okay well call me tomorrow.
ETP: Want to walk me to my car?
JC: Oh yeah yeah of course.
-walks to vehicle, starts vehicle, shuts car door-
ETP: Sooo...(in girl lingo: Try a little tenderness, jackass.)
JC: So when do you get out of school tomorrow?
JC: Alright, well call me tomorrow.
ETP: Will do.
-gets back into vehicle-

My mom thought I should try out the super cool "So why aren't you kissing me, Joe?"
Real smooth. Instead I tried-

ETP: do you hang out with a lot of girls or just me?
ETP: sorry if that's out of nowhere
JC: just you
ETP: theres a reason for that, right?
JC: yes
ETP: okay just making sure cause sometimes idk about you joe
JC: how so
ETP: mixed signals
JC: like..
ETP: well sometimes idk if you're shy or just not feeling it, you know? i mean idc. i love hanging out with you but i just want to make sure we're on the same page
ETP: i def want to keep hanging out.
JC: i do want to hang out with you
JC: i really like hanging out with you
ETP: do you?
ETP: that makes me happy
JC: yes
JC: but im going to bed
JC: so call me tomorrow
ETP: i willl
JC: goodnight
ETP: gnight

If it doesn't happen tomorrow, I don't think it ever will. The only thing is- IT ALREADY DID. IT ALREADY HAPPENED. WE MADE OUT. IT WAS AWESOME. LETS DO IT AGAIN PLEASEEE.

I keep having dreams about making out with guys. Not just any guy. Certain ones. Like Jon. I visited him at work today when I left the gym. We're hanging out Sunday...So we shall see how that pans out. My friend, Brian, told me that "make out" dreams mean more than sex dreams. Sex dreams are purely lustful whereas "make out" dreams come from somewhere deeper, emotionally of course. In my case, I think it is a combination of both. I just need something. Anything. Even my subconscious is frustrated with Joe.

I wouldn't be so damn eager to hang out with other dudes if Joe would just man the fuck up. It's really not too much to ask. 18 aside, he's experienced. I'm experienced for God sake. "Making a big deal out of kissing" period ended like freshman year. FUCK.

I'm going to NYC Saturday- I couldn't be more excited. Really. The weather might be shitty but it is completely what I need right now. Some good old fashioned smog and interaction with people just as miserable as me.


Laura said...

This is where the weather references don't work as well :) 12 degrees ain't all that cold over here :)

But at least you've talked to him about it.

If he says he likes you, he likes you. But you've got to draw the line somewhere. Part of being in a relationship is kissing and other such physical intimacies.

Is he religious???

Laura said...
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Anonymous said...

It's weird, but some guys just don't have much of a sex drive. There are plenty of girls without much sex drive or who are too hung up to use it, so if that's the case, what's the point?

I find it even weirder the dude has made out with you already and now isn't again.

Don't beat around the bush, though. Just tll him flat out what you expect from him and that if he won't put out soon you will be forced to toss his ass.

ETP said...

bunny- 12 degrees is cold everywhere! Even in the UK! And, no, he is not at all religious. But I can see where one would think so. The thing is I feel more than half the fun of being with a guy is "other such physical intimacies." So, the lack of kissing is making me lose interest.

Undie- Agreed completely. I'm never one to beat around the bush, but if he needs something so simple spelled out for him, what's going to happen when actual complicated things come into play?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he just wants to be friends, but doesn't want to say explicitly that he doesn't want to date you because then you wouldn't hang out with him.

Key question: When you watched the movie, did you cuddle? If not, you're screwed. If yes, he needs to grow a pair.

To quote Stewie, "Get in there and DO HER!"

ETP said...

Mortahhbawd- You are so wise, comme toujours. Uh there was a bit of cuddling but not a TON. I'm not a big cuddler anyways...well, at least not in the beginning. I feel like thats too intimate, too soon.

TKTC said...

ETP: I have dated "No Sex Drive Guy" and as someone who is very sexual, it was just never going to happen for us. When we were hammered, we would make out and it would be awesome but I remember specifically asking him upstairs 2-3 times before he did and at that point he was blacked out. We did end up having sex a handful of times over about 6 months but NEVER sober and he was never affectionate, other than as a companion, without a lot of liquoring up.

We had a LOT in common and are still great friends but your situation has sounded eerily similar since the beginning.

The good news is, he probably won't hurt you (probably not sexual with any other ladies either), the bad news is that it may not get off the ground.

ETP said...

Cook- That sounded pretty right on. Which sort of sucks, but I find myself losing interest anyway. However, from what he's told me, he has quite the sexual past. Well, his last girlfriend was a nymphomaniac. The upside is he won't hurt me. Yay! =)