Sunday, December 9, 2007

"Don't want no funk down under"

Yet another update:

After many failed attempts of hanging out, it finally happened last night. Joe picked me up from my house around 9 and we headed off to a party. When I first got there, I was a bit disappointed. There were only a few kids there, no one I knew. So, I asked Joe to go get food and we headed off to Burger King. (What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic.) By the time we got back, the party had doubled in size and a few kids were playing beer pong. Also, we picked up my friend Alyssa- I was sooo thankful I had a friend come with. Made things MUCH easier. Joe and I didn't really get a lot of one-on-one time at the party but I didn't mind much. There was this other realllyyy hot guy, also named Joe, who was playing pong. We were partners together and cleaned up so I was feeling pretty good and drunk. P.S. Sam Adams Winter Lager= DELICIOUS!

As I was kicking major ass at pong, I couldn't help but notice that (my) Joe was being way neglected, at his own party no less. So, I gave my pong partner a hearty high-five and joined Joe for a smoke. Pretty soon people started clearing out and it was about 5 of us left. We were all pretty hammered at this point, except Joe. No drunk driving, no sir. We stayed for maybe another hour- all just sitting around bullshitting. I must have made a good impression because later on Joe told me that when I left to use the bathroom, his friends told him they liked me a lot.

We drop his huge Samoan friend, Justin, off who gave me the biggest hug as he got out of the car (p.s. turns out Samoa is a country. who knew?) The rest of the ride home Joe and I were just talking/laughing about everything. As we're driving close to my house I say to him,
"I want to keep hanging out."
"So lets keep hanging out!"
"No, I mean right now"

So he came inside and we watched SNL reruns and talked some more- both telling one another some things we could have held off on.

FOR EXAMPLE: He felt the need to tell me about one of his drunken sexual escapades.
"Now, I'm not gonna lie, elyse. I put it in her butt."

I appreciate the honesty, HOWEVER!- I never even asked. He chose to tell me- THUS! He wouldn't be lying if he maybe held off on telling me about how he did some girl up the ass.

'Round 2:30 I was sobering out and he was damn near passing out so he decided it was time to call it a night. I walked him to my door and we had the *I think this is it* moment one experiences (mostly at my age- no?) right before the first kiss and then finalllyyyy it happened. Thank Jesus. It would have been safe to assume he was a gay if he left without a kiss/hug/etc. Oh, and it was perfect.

He left. I was so drunk happy I laid down on my couch and passed right out.

This morning I couldn't find my cell phone anywhere- Joe later on confirmed I left it in his car. Because paranoia and me are like two peas in a pod, I am freaking out "what if he reads my text messages" "what if he goes through my pictures" blahblahblah- SO! My friend Ryan (total babe) texts my phone being like "Hey elyse thanks for playing with my balls the other night, hope it got you wet" I didn't help him think of this one- he did it all by himself- but the point is, if Joe says anything about it or it is marked as read- we'll know someone was peaking.

Also- I changed my picture because I feel like I'm becoming more and more paranoid that someone who knows me will find the site- if any of you would like to see the real ETP- facebook me!


Anonymous said...

There, first. Happy, drunky?

ETP said...


Laura said...

I get paranoid about people I know finding my blog all of the time. I'm forever changing links and what not.

I don't think you ever lose the 'is this it' feeling.

So@24 said...

Changed your picture? Laaaaaaaaaame!

But kudos! This is exactly what you wanted! I knew it was just a matter of time

Patchwork said...

Glad it worked out.

"COOLEST GIRL I KNOW, right here"

sorry i deleted it :/

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't even think to check a girl's cellphone for pictures of her sweet ass. That's a great idea, though.

TKTC said...

I finally clicked through from So@24's comments/chat room. I am loving this. And have a shit ton to catch up on.

And as for the paranoid thing- I just gave up and put it out there. I'm currently considering an email address to send out less censored accounts of what happened as my colleagues all read my blog. And my brother, poor thing.

As for Joe- I can't account for his "sharing" beyond a simple drunken inability to shut up. Many of us are afflicted by this. The good news is that the make-out was good and that bodes well. And no, you never lose the "is this it" feeling and thank God for that.