Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

A new year it shall be! 2008 is going to be killer, I know it. I'm graduating high school, turning 18, going to college (where? who the fuck knows, but I'm going!) etc. etc. Lots of awesome shit.

Boy, did I bring in the New Year with some good clean fun.
Joe and I decided to go our separate ways for the night and hang out with our respective crowds. This I thought was an excellent idea. I can make out with Joe whenever I want, now Coleman...not so often.

The day started off great! My friend, Alex, called me up for a powertoke* before I had work at 3. I took a quick shower, did my hair, and got a call from work saying those sweet, sweet three words, "We're closing early." I was feeling great!

Wait one second there, ETP! Something going according to plan? Better than expected even? Think again!

Some douche bag that had ASKED to come to Alex's house that night for New Year's Fiesta, ratted us out. His dad found a bottle of 151 and Morgan's and continued to interrogate him. He falsely accused Alex of "asking him to supply the booze." So, Douche Bag's Dad calls Alex and asks to speak to his dad. Alex did what any smart teenager would do, he acted like he was his dad. Douche Bag's Dad sort of buys it and shuts up. As I'm pulling up the drive way, still buzzing from the "no work" inform, I see a big truck blocking the whole top of the drive way. Douche Bag's Dad continued to C-block my whole fucking evening. He made Alex call up his dad so he could talk to him personally.

This guy is fucking crazy town. I mean seriously, we're 17-19 years old. It's New Year's Eve. Eat Shit.

For the next two hours we practiced a little damage control, in between baking out his basement.

Somehow we managed to work everything out. I got to the party around 8:30 and there was no booze in sight. (well, except my stash in my purse) They made it pretty clear there would be no drinking tonight. As the night progressed, we managed to hide it pretty well and then everyone came filing in. It turned out to be a pretty big party.

I was sort of bummed because it looked like Coleman would not be bringing in the New Year with us, until around 11 when he showed up, just coming back from another party. Of course we did the whole flirty bit. We danced together and shared a few cigarettes. Out of curiosity and maybe a hint of jealousy, my friend Dave goes to Coleman, "So, Elyse?" to which he responds, "Like fishing with fuckin' dynamite." WHAT?!

Because I had my eye on the prize, and Coleman is such a babe, I let this slide. It's not like I hadn't been planning this shit for a good week and a half anyway.

We sort of went our separate ways and mingled with other people for a little while. All of the sudden, Tila Tequila pops on the screen with her gigantic head and begins the countdown. (This shit really came out of nowhere. Could have been cause I was WASTED at this point but nonetheless) "3, 2, 1," Coleman grabs my face and kisses me. It was perfect.

We kept kissing all night pretty much. And at one point I whispered in his ear, "It's like fishing with fucking dynamite, huh?" I think I scored points with this comment, put the fucker in his place. Later on we decided to "top-bunk-it" and made out while my good friend was having sex in the bunk below (WEIRD!)

The hook up...was less than spectacular. I have a LOT of hair and no hair-tie so it was sort of everywhere. Hands were everywhere. We were kissing so hard, he scratched me with his chin scruff. Then he did something a little weird. He made out with my ear for like 15 minutes. At first it was hot and I was into it. But FUCK. He was practically getting off to my ear. Maybe he has a thing for ears? I wasn't into it. Weird. Then someone came in and he bounced. It was nearing 2am and my friend Jackie wanted to leave, so I announced to the room I was leaving. "Bye everyoneee!" That sort of thing. A few boys got up to hug me. Coleman however was quite set on playing his dumb videogame. He didn't move a muscle, didn't even look at me- and there's no chance he didn't hear me. I decided to not play into his little game and just left.

Around 3am, he calls me asking why I didn't take him aside to say bye. Sure, pal. We texted this morning and he even called me to talk. I got a little nervous and said I had a lot of work to do and that I'd call him later.

He goes back to college in a few weeks so I'll just hang out with him until then.
This would all be much more exciting to me if I didn't really like Joe. But whatever, I can do both! =)

Joe called me a million times last night, so I'll probably see him tonight. He asked if I kissed anyone and I told him I hadn't. I did lie, but at the same time, he doesn't need to know everything just yet.

Do any of you have any particularly memorable New Year's Eve kisses??

*smoke up his basement before work/school/any sort of committment that would be boring otherwise.


Patchwork said...

"But FUCK. He was practically getting off to my ear."

let's face it, you do have "the cutest" ears. And yes, i mean the whole ear.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

After a few minutes too many on the ear, that's when you just grab his head and put his mouth wherever you want it. He'll take it as, "she's so turned on she can't stand it anymore," but it will really be, "this ear shit has to stop." Everyone's happy.

I learned this when I was talking to some girls about going down on a woman. If a guy gets "tapped out," to start the sexing, it's never because she needs intercourse right then and there, it's because the guy isn't getting it done right, or she'd let him keep doing "that."

Hey, should I be talking about this with a 17-year-old? I'm getting out of here before I get arrested.

ETP said...

That was great advice! I'll most definitely try that out and get back to you. My friend had a similar suggestion, but more directed towards bad kissers. If the guy/girl you're mackin' it with can't kiss for shit and has no rhythm, you just grab the back of their head and make them go with whatever you're doing. Proved to be extremely successful. I think this only works with guys though (the guy being the shitty kisser) unless your girl's into some rough play.

Anonymous said...

What? 17-19 year olds don't need to be drinking. Damn spoiled east coast brats...
