Saturday, September 8, 2007

Well, Folks

Last night was quite eventful, quite.
[see, I repeated myself there, so you know a good story is coming.]

It was the first of many parties at my friend's house.
We were talking wednesday night and were thinking about maybe getting together friday night to play some beer pong with a couple kids. emphasis on COUPLE.
So, friday afternoon rolls around and we make some plans that I'll head over to the Murphys house after work. (side note: my new job RULES. seriously. rules. I work with a male model. seriously. male model. Hes Greek. and damn fine.) So I get out at around 8 and get some beer and head over to the Murphys. I was one of the first people to get there, the others were picking up more beer, apparently my Milwaukees Best isn't good enough for some people! you know what I say, fuck off! It's cheap, light, and will get you fucked up. What more can you ask for?

That being said, I'll continue, a few people joined in on the fun and we started off the night with a game of beer pong. For those of you who aren't familiar with the term "beer pong" its a drinking game (obviously) played on a ping pong table. You set up a triangle of cups full of beer (solo cups really set the mood I feel) and there are 2 people on each side. The teams take turns trying to shoot ping pong balls into the opposing team's cups. When a ball lands in a cup, the cup is removed from the triangle and drank. Which ever team takes down the others' triangle first, wins. It's fun, I guess.

It was probably the worst game I have ever played. I took down maybe 2 cups. Fucking pitiful. And of course the guy I'm sort of crushing on, we'll call him Jeff (his actual name, I have no secrets here), was there watching the whole time. I felt like a major douche, especially when I had been talking myself up since wednesday night. Saying how I was going to kick his ass in pong. The only ass that was being kicked was MINE.

Then seriously 20 people show up at the house, including some Spanish exchange students that are staying with a few of my friends. So yeah, they all showed up. I really showed them a good time too. We played some more drinking games and got pleasantly shitfaced. Later on, we went and jumped in the pool and hottub. That lasted for about 30 min and everyone dried off and continued drinking!

Just when everyone is heading home, I decide to sleep over hoping to maybe get some alone time with Jeff. And by alone time I mean hardcore make out sesh. (exageration? probably.) Well, as I'm saying goodbye to everyone, I ask someone, "wheres jeff?" "oh, he's downstairs puking" "ohhh, greatttt." So much for the hardcore make out sesh! I ended up taking care of his ass for 2 fucking hours. Then I smoked a little weed and passed out, but that is neither here nor there. I tucked him in and then continued to hold a bowl for him to puke in. Do I get a thank you this morning? NO. No thank you. Should I be a little pissed about that? Its not like I was having a blast sitting with him while he ralphed all night long.

I found out later that after he had had about 13 beers he took 2 shots and then drank more beer. Can you say, rookie?? I can! ROOKIE. There I said it. Or at least, I typed it. When they make a rhyme about something, you should probably fucking pay attention. i.e., liquor before beer, in the clear; beer before liquor, never sicker. How many times does something need to happen before someone is like, "Hey, they should make a rhyme about that, that way no one will ever make that mistake again." And then you choose not to listen to it?! ROOKIE. fuck.

So whatevz. I came home around 8:30 with a horrible hang over, climbed into bed and passed out. I did not wake up until my sister came in and woke my ass up at 3pm. Crazy, right? I was dreaming and everything. Probably could have slept until at least 4.

I spent the rest of the day doing a whole lot of nothing. It was perfect and much needed.


Cunning Linguist said...

Ha ha ha ha ha.... this Jeff guy sounds like a real winner. Can't hold his booze and doesn't know enough to thank you for holding his head out of his own sick. At first I was a little worried I have competition but now I feel all better.

Congrats on the quiet time yesterday. Hopefully you used it wisely and deep conditioned or something useful. :P

ETP said...

hahahaha "deep conditioned or something useful" I loled at that.

Don't worry about the competition, I've pretty much lost all attraction for him after the other night.

Cunning Linguist said...

are you saying that deep conditioning and proper hair care is not serious business? I hope that's not what I just read.

As for the competition... yay for me! I'll have my ass on a nightline show yet after all. We all get our 15 minutes of fame somehow I guess. *shrug*

ETP said...

hahaha Don't say that! You're my little blogspot bud. I think I need some more though, but then again I just started. I'm not terribly worried about it. But don't worry CL you'll always be my favorite=)

p.s. what's your real name?
and if you're still myspacing (I read your blog about it) my profile is
go crazy!

Cunning Linguist said...

Real name is Russ. Don't worry about gaining more friends/enemies. I started my blog as just a venting source and actually alienate people. You sorry bastards keep coming back for more punishment, though. Whether it's mine or yours I'm still unclear on just yet. Hmmmmm.

Myspace thingy.... 359 freinds, eh? I sense more ammunition for a future post. I'll hold off though, mon petit choux ;)

ETP said...

Heya, Russ. In my defense about 359 myspace friends, I actually do know about 75% of them. Which is pretty damn good.

"ma petite chou" cutest thing ever.
tu peux parler en francais?
probably not, considering the grammar error, but it was still a sweet gesture=)

ETP said...

p.s. how do I subscribe to blogs/ list my favorites??

Cunning Linguist said...

at least you noticed the gesture ;)

The thingy to list the thingies is in the menu space-mo-bob. You just ummm.... you ( crap, how did I do that again I wonder). You open the thingy for the menu where you change settings and stuff. It's in there.

I hope that cleared things up. ( read : I'll have to re-trace my steps and come back with a more gooder answer for you).

but hey! My hair looks great today. So, there ya go.

ETP said...

bahhh! that didn't help at all. retrace your steps and get back to me. thanksss! and congrats on the good day hair day;)