Sunday, September 30, 2007

Awkward Moments and "Good Moods"

Okay, so. Last night:

I get out of work around 7:30, pick up my friend Jill, then head over to my friend Ryan's for a party. I wasn't really boozin' too hard cause I had to drive. I took like A shot and then kind of perused my other options of having a good time. Translation: "Hey, guys, who brought weed?"
So whatever, Jill and me got blitzed and had a grand old time.

Ryan goes out to get cups and calls his house saying, "I got pulled over!"
So we're all freaking out, why? I'm not sure. Turns out, Ryan just did that so some of the 50 people at his house would leave. I fell for it! So wholeheartedly. I was so nervous for him and everything, I didn't know if he was looking at a DUI or what. But that is neither here nor there.

But whatever, Jill and me get the fuck out of there and go over to Cumby's to grab some snacks and drinks. I was feeling pretty good at the time, keep in mind.

So, I walk up to the dirty cashier woman and try making some sort of lame joke.

I couldn't actually tell you what it was because I have no idea what I said.

But when I said it she had absolutely no response. None. Didn't even bother to look at me.

So I go, "Apparently, you didn't find that funny." Again, no response.

At this point, the situation could not get much more awkward.

Finally, she just hands me my change and continues to not look at me.

Jill and I talked about it later that night and found the whole situation fucking hysterical but at the time it was quite awful.

Blahblahblahh we went to some lame bonfire involving no drinking and no fun.
Everyone kept pulling the, "OKAY! Are youu high?"
No, I'm just in a really good mood.

Oh yeah, I helped out at this benefit on Saturday morning before work.
It was for a peer of mine that died in a car crash. There was a scholarship set in his name, and all the proceeds from the benefit went to it.

My neighbor was trying to hook me up with her friend's son. My neighbor had told me that his name was Mike, he went to UConn and was a total babe.
I was a little disappointed to find him only a couple inches taller than me and not all that cute! (side note: he was wearing sunglasses so I couldn't really see his face.)
Later on, I facebooked him and was SHOCKED.
Tell me, Mike, why did sunglasses seem like a good choice when you were trying to impress a girl? Especially when the best part of your face is not exactly highlighted by your supah cool shades. (side note: they were white. and tacky. courtesy of volcom? some douchey skateboarding company I'm sure.) He looked like he was straight out of a PACSUN catalogue.

All the same, he was sooo much more attractive on Facebook than he had been in person.
I was disappointed to say the least with his presentation on Saturday, but whatever.
Maybe I'll see him again in the near future. Or, maybe not.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe a 16 yr old reads my blog. I feel dirty now.

ETP said...

I'm 17 soon enough. Don't feel dirty. You're like 4 years older than me. We were probably in highschool at the same time at one point.

Cunning Linguist said...

yeah yeah, that's the ticket. We went to different schools together. Yeah, that's the stuff.

Why don't we get this whiole thing over with already and watch AZN anime porn together while REALLY stoned and have a chuckle. I'll bring the kentucky fried and ice cream sandwiches, you bring the dorito's and oreo's with double stuff so we can lick the centers out ( it only makes sense when ur baked, people).

Cunning Linguist said...

p.s. - nice newer pic. No clue if yer smiling or not. I'm noticing the lacy underbits poking out. Yeah, I'm a flithy pig, but at least I'm honest. Give me credit for that much. :)

ETP said...

Yes, I am smiling. just enlarge the damn thing.

I really do want to watch it. Maybe just a brief snipit. It just seems so dirty and perverse.

P.S. I'm not actually that much of a stoner. I just usually write my posts about the weekend, and lets face it people, we ALL smoke pot on the weekend.

Cunning Linguist said...

fine... I'll enlarge it. Sheesh, what a bossy little thing you are.

Wait a second... twinkies and salsa taste better when stoned? I must try this.

Anonymous said...

Try over 5 years, lol. Didn't you read this post.

ETP said...

yeah, yeah. I read your blog. Relax. No need to "collapse on the floor gasping for breath"

...eventhough I did find that part especially humorous=)