Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I'm bad at titling things.

I wish I were older. Why? Because I hate being associated with girls my age.
I was in Walmarts the other day picking up school supplies and some girl, who seemed relatively close to me in age was on her cell phone. She was just blabbing away to her friend, who I'm sure was just as annoying and dumb, without a care in the world, or any concern for anyone around her. Laughing and carrying on! Waving her hands as she talked, she actually hit me accidentally. If looks could kill, I would have crucified this bitch with my death glare. Maybe its an East Coast thing, but I fucking hate anyone that is loud and obnoxious in places that are CLEARLY inappropriate for this sort of behavior.

Same thing the other day at Starbucks. I go to Starbucks with my dad on Sundays to get some tea and catch up on current events. I don't know how it is in other states than Patheticut (stole that one from cunning linguist) but since there are limited spots for the kool kidz to hang, they flock to Starbucks! They are loud and all they do is smoke cigarettes and lay all over each other in the parking lot. Its obscene. One time, one of them was actually playing the electric guitar in the parking lot with an amplifier and everything! Along side the shitty guitar playing, his friend sang some death metal bullshit.

You know what else bugs me? When some Hispanics (see I'm being PC by saying SOME) think that if others can't understand what they're saying, it doesn't mater how loud they talk. WRONG. It does matter. Cause it annoys the fuck out of everyone, me in particular, who has to listen to it! And I'm only saying Hispanics because I haven't really noticed any other particular group of foreigners that did this as regularly as said group. Really people I'm not trying to offend. I'm Portuguese, for goodness sake. I'm practically one of them, except with better hair=)

School started today. I'm sure this year will entail a lot of bullshit, but that's okay. My classes aren't too bad. I've got good people in most of them. I get to leave early 3 times a week, so I can't really complain.

This a completely pointless post. Sorry.


Cunning Linguist said...

A) Your first mistake was looking to find anybody who's not a total ass in Wal-Fart. The place is a breeding ground for all sorts of jackassery.

B) Starbucks. Famous breeding ground for the Pathticut emo. 'nuff said.

C) Steal all you want. I'm chock full o' goodness that I don't mind sharing.

D) No comment on the "element" which bugs you so much. I've already posted about that and your little "friend" up there at Wallyworld. Comment about the hair, though. Yes, it is to die for. I'll say no more because I don't need to be surprised by that nightline guy asking what I think I'm doing here,lol.

ETP said...

If I didn't like Starbucks so much, I would consider never being within 100 feet of one because of all the emo douche bags that hang around. And I completely agree with you about walmart, loads of douche bags there. Loads.

p.s. did you say you had a post about the "element" that bugs me so much?

Cunning Linguist said...

read the blog. I'm too lazy to click a button :P

Yeah, I got tons of stuff in there. Hell, my archives only go back another 6 posts. Yer a smart cookie ( WITH the awesomest most awesome hair ever of all time,lol) and can find it. I have faith in you. Even if you are one of those "Patheticut" people. :)

ETP said...

Hey! You were once one of we, Patheticuts. And puhlease, my pic doesn't even show off how naturally awesome my hair is. Its actually pretty curly. I'm sure you don't give a shit though, considering your a dude.

Cunning Linguist said...

I *DO SO* give a shit. Hair is serious business, I'll have you know. I don't usually give the cunning seal of approval on locks that are the awesomest grouping of follicular awesomeness of all awesome time you know. Sheesh... you people take my words for granted sometimes I think.

As for the latter, fine. I won't laugh or make fun of the Patheticut thing. Being an of "that ilk" I do have license to to the thing where I hold my finger about 3 inches away from you and wave it around. Hey look..... I'm not touching you.....I'm not touching you. Here I am again, not touching youuuuuuuuu. :P

MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

Not a pointless post, because I bet you feel like ten times better.

I was at the mall the other day (I hate shopping) and I got stuck behind this slow, fat kid snacking on a pretzel. It took every bone in my body not to kick him from behind and watch him eat mall carpet instead of that damn pretzel…


ETP said...

cunning linguist- well thanks for the hair compliment. It is pretty serious business. If you have bad hair it doesn't matter how cute your face is, you're potentially fucked. p.s. where are you living now? NY or NJ cause if it's NJ my patheticut ass will wave my patheticut finger in YOUR face all day. Even CT is better than NJ.

MsP- was he snacking loudly or was he just an obnoxious eater? Both are irritating. You sound like an East Coast type. Everything bothers us, everything. But if we don't educate these assholes, who will? Not all the pleasant southerners (spelling looks weird) thats for damn sure!

Cunning Linguist said...

I live in NY. A little town called Greenwood Lake to be exact. Go ahead and google it. It's a huge assed lake that runs half in NY and half in NJ. So take that finger back or else I will chomp down on it, missy.

Pudd'n.... I'd have kicked his fat little ass. But that's just me though. I guess I still have a little bit of CT in me after all. lol.