Monday, March 10, 2008

It's funny how things work out.

Joe is back with his ex girlfriend. Well, I'm not sure they're officially dating, but they've been spending a lot of time together.
I posed a question to my boss as to why he would ditch me and go back with her, and he gave me quite the enlightening response.

Here's why I asked- in the entire 3-4 months Joe and I dated he never did more than kiss me. There was plenty of opportunity, I mean plenty.
We sort of separated once but then shortly after, we started talking again and met up at CCSU. Remember? Then we tried it out for another month or so and it ended with him saying he didn't want to "hurt me."

He called a few times after that but I was pretty much done.
Now he's back with his sex-obsessed ex-girlfriend.
Alas, the object of my confusion was, he never even made a move on me, but seemed to like me a lot. Then! he dumps me and goes back to his past nymph. Ironic, eh? If all he was looking for was booty, I would have skipped all the emotional crap and worked out some sort of agreement...a little FWB, for ya? (friends with benefits)

I'm totally kidding, but that's besides the point.
My boss told me the real reason he dumped me and went back was because he clearly still had feelings for his ex and didn't see our situation going any further until he sorted things out with her. Fair enough.

This makes entirely TOO much sense. Now I'm left with the mystery as to WHY he couldn't just tell me. It had nothing to do with me. How could I be hurt by that? It was ending either way, a little honesty could have smoothed things over immediately.

I'm content. I deleted his number from my phone.

I've been seeing the new boy frequently.
My current mission is to woo him into loving me.
Shouldn't take too long so feel free to practice a few exercises to improve the ol' lung capacity until I report back with good news. ;)


Patchwork said...
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Patchwork said...

Joe's an idiot, his old girlfriend's a whore, and I think we all need to move on. But I understand it sucks that you were hurt, i mean your heart's not made of steel after all. (or is it?)

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

Deleting the number was a good move. I'm a bit of a drunk dialer, so I always try to do delete dangerous ones. BUT, I like to leave enough numbers in the old phone to feel good about myself. Pathetic, right?

Ivonne said...

Great job on deleting his number. That way when he texts/calls, you can be like "Who is this?" and he'll be all like "Don't you remember me?" and then you'll say "Not at all."
I OBVIOUSLY have way too much time in my hands.

ETP said...

hahaha yesss! I so will. And if you think you're bad, I analyze EVERY text message I get from my new guy and then take like 10 min to respond cause I need to make sure it has the perfect amount of wit and flirtation.