Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I'm a little upset. Not very. Just a little.
I'm in the band at school, I play trumpet. We're going on a lovely cruise down the coast of California April 12-19th, so close! ahhh! Well my mom absolutely INSISTED on coming so I was cool with it. She originally said, "I want to chaperone if I can, but if I can't then I'll just buy a separate boarding pass for the cruise ship and just tag along." Well, she was fortunate enough to get a spot on the chaperone list.

Tonight, I tell her how excited I am and suddenly my stupid sister opens her mouth and goes, "I don't Mom is going to like being a chaperone. I don't think you can drink or anything."

Then my mom starts FREAKING out about how she paid so much moneyyyy and now she finds out she won't be able to drink or party or do anything worth her while. She starts saying how this is MY fault because I waited too long to give her the details, (that she can't consume alcohol while supervising highschool students...gee, ma, sorry I left that one out!) From here, I choose to leave the room after telling her how incredibly rude she's behaving.

What I wanted to say was, "This trip isn't about you. It's about me. It's what I've been working towards for 9 years. You begged to come just so you could see me. Had I known you just wanted a vacation with some background music I wouldn't have gotten you on the list."

I'm sick of this shit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, sorry, but this gave me a huge belly laugh. You are totally in the right, your mom sounds like homer simpson or something.