Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Punch drunk love?

To recount the past week's events in a timely manner:

-Realized that I can never go back to ex, and decided to mack it on his best friend
-Joe has tried a few times to get in contact with me but there's just no hope for him
-My ear-obsessed dream boy texted me saying he wants to hang out when he gets home from college next week
-I've taken quite a liking to the White Stripes, I'll elaborate more later
-I gave up the whole Lent thing. I love meat, call me a sinner.
-I really need to play catch-up on all of your blogs.

So! The new boy:

He's my ex-boyfriends best friend but that hardly matters; it just serves as a lovely device to inspire jealousy. He's devilishly attractive and a little untrustworthy. We have been texting like fiends and I met up with him today. He reserved a bottle of Cabernet for the two of us, so we cracked that bad boy open minutes after my arrival. The next two hours are a complete blur but they are mostly comprised of a lot of flirting and him backing me into a hallway and kissing me.
Later, we went down to the basement to listen to the White Stripes where he (I know this sounds pretty corny, but bare with me) sang along in my ear and gave me a whole new meaning to the lyrics, "Soft hair and a velvet tongue, I wanna give you what you give to me."

Amidst all of our punch-drunk love, some girl took me aside to tell me that typically he hits it and quits it. He goes from girl to girl and doesn't think twice when he gives her the news that it might be a smart idea to stop talking.
Now! If we recall to my last post, I'm certainly not up for any more of that shit.
Alas, my guard will be up. However! his very good friend, mine as well, told me he's never seen him like this around one of his many girls. So maybe, things will be different.

Either way, it'll make for a good blog post. OPA!


Laura said...

Maybe this other girl is just jealous?

So@24 said...

I dunno man...

An ex's bestfriend? Seems really shady.

ETP said...

Well we only dated for a couple months, and that was a year ago. That's not bad right???

So@24 said...


That doesn't seem too bad.

Game on!

Patchwork said...

so appropriate.
update, soon.

Ivonne said...

I'm a little late to this (sorry!). I'd say he's fair game but don't think your ex won't know why you're hooking up with his best friend.
Don't you just hate smooth guys like that? They always know what to say/do. And... that's why we love 'em.