Sunday, February 3, 2008

I damn near forgot my password.

Agh. I know I haven't posted for a while but I'm beginning to feel a little discouraged. My life is extremely repetitive and a little predictable so every time I get an idea, I overthink it to be garbage.

To give you a condensed run through of my life since my last post:

- Saw Joe at CCSU (we both had plans to go, notified eachother randomly 8 hours before and decided to meet up) ended up sleeping (the sort with Rapid Eye Movement, to be clear) with him at his friend's dorm, macked it slow and sweet, and have been hanging out since...unfortunately the same sporadic tendency has carried.

- Started going to Hardcore shows again with my friend Jill and ended up running into a lot of old friends- we've been hanging out since and I'm setting Jill up with a good friend of mine from the long lost group, coining myself "match-maker extraordinaire." Ex-boyfriend included in this group...He gave me the whole "I'm going to single-handedly ruin your social life and self-esteem" treatment after we broke up but I'm a chump and would love to have a "spontaneous-totally-wasn't-thinking-alcohol-induced-hotpassionatelovemaking" experience with him.

-I've taken a fondness to quotes apparently. (see last 2 bullet statements)

-I want to take a shit on Randy Moss' doorstep.

-I've been listening to far too much Radiohead lately but just can't bring myself to refuse them.

-School is dull and much that I skipped to work 8 hours the other day.
The morning waitress' newly wed husband dropped dead of a heartattack at the age of 37 just the other day. *Cue shock and sympathy* Yeah, well guess what folks. I'm starting to get tired of the whole thing. My bosses feel the fucking need to tell EVERY single customer that comes in the restaurant, regardless if they knew her or not. And the part that pisses me off the most is the stupid rehearsed look they get on their face right after they tell the person. "Yeapp (somber shake of the head) that's life for ya." Yeah, that is life for you. Stop fucking advertising someone's tragedy for a conversation starter.

That's all I got.


TKTC said...

Careful with the toxic ex...bored is better than internally brutalized.

And POINT TAKEN on your bosses. I would say 90% of the time it's not even appropriate to talk about. It's not gossip, someone died and a lot of other people are in pain.

Laura said...

Totally inappropriate of your boss, not too mention grating on yourself.

It is a shame but its not his tragedy.

Who is Randy Morris and what has he done to deserve that? :)

ETP said...

Both of you have very good input and I thank you for it.

Randy Moss is the wide receiver for the Patriots. (football team) you guys dont have football in the UK, do you? Rugby? He fucked my Superbowl.

Laura said...

My friends all watch American football, but I never really got all that into it. Rugby is my game :D

they were also distraught at the Patriots losing.

So@24 said...

I really don't want to imagine you taking a dump on a lawn. Or anywhere for that matter.

Girls don't do that. And teachers sleep in coffins during the summer.

Two beliefs I will never give up.

So@24 said...

Where have you been??

ETP said...

I'm back I swear.