Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Since being at college I can say I've been to two completely excellent concerts: Built to Spill and Jenny Lewis.
Both performances were completely riveting.

For Jenny Lewis, my sister accompanied me to the Schubert Theatre in New Haven, CT. Midway there from school I realize I forgot the tickets in my other purse..ugh.
So we turned around in a speedy fashion and ended up being 15 min late for the show, only catching the second half of the first performance by a guy named Michael Runion. I was totally impressed by him and ended up saying hello between sets.
He was walking up one of the aisles so I decided to say hello and ask whether or not he was selling cds.
He was so ridiculously nice and seemed a bit nervous too. He asked my name and then even remembered it after the show when I came to the merch table to purchase one of my new favorite cds.
Its real folk-y, which I'm into...and it has excellent lyrics.

Off of one track, called "Soft Hands", some lyrics I completely adore read:
"We'll slip into the streets drunk as lonely soldiers and we'll own the night like vandals 'til the morning burns our eyes"

pretty good, right? I dig it. and I'd like to think its my current college mantra but that might be overestimating my social life.

As for the gents...well if this sums it up: water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink.
They're all okay...I was hooking up with one for a while but he's just a whole mess of confusion that right now in my life, I really don't need. I'm the kind of girl that would always prefer a relationship over single life but college is just a different animal.

Dating doesn't exist here. Dating consists of: I'll buy you a drink as leverage for dome later on.
Fortunately, if you're going to make stupid decisions, I've come to the right place!

Just last night, me and my girl Georgia went to a bar just off campus. We showed up and this boy, we'll call Jake, was sitting in the booth next to us. I knew from the start he wanted my goods but he gave me douche vibes so I kept a distance.
We bought a few pitchers and worked the crowd a little bit.
Surprise Surprise, my ex-hook-up-big-mess-but-such-a-babe guy shows up and he greets me with a big hug so we start dancing a little and he kisses my neck a couple times but I don't really play into it.
Eventually he starts doing his own thing and I see Jake.
He asks what I've been up to and I said, dancing! So he asks me for a dance and I ask if he's any good so he says, "Lets go find out!"

As it turns out, he is. However, I like to leave sex to the bedroom and not the dance floor so you going up and down my shirt and pants while rhythmically humping me to some techno song...not my cup of tea. Of course, ex-guy is dancing next to me with some girl and keeps looking over at me and then kisses the girl he dances with.
To retaliate I of course do the same only to experience a sudden distasteful jabbing of the tongue motion..
I said I needed to get some air, grabbed Georgia and got the fuck out of there.

I felt dirty afterwards. But it was in the name of revenge damnit!


Cunning_Linguist said...

heh..... the Schubert. Been there so many times it's not even funny. Good party town, New Haven. As long as you don't stray off the path of the well lit. Have you done the falaffel thing at Mamoon's yet? What about 4AM breakfast at route 34 diner? Stories? Yeah, I got me some stories about this area. But then again, I grew up here.

Blog more dammit! *shakes you silly*

ETP said...

hahah no! I haven't done any of that. You should construct a whole journey of fun things for me a la elisabethtown except you're kirsten dunst and I'm orlando bloom!

I'll try and blog more. promisee

Cunning_Linguist said...

Ehhhhhh..... I dunno. Kirsten Dunst looks better in a skirt than I do. I could probably pull it off, though.

e-mail me and I'll send you to a few fun places. Have you eaten at Louis' Lunch yet? What about partied down at Toads? Holy cow.... I need to try and remember all of the fun things to do. I can re-live them through you,lol.

There is no try, only do *pokes you with his walking stick*