Sunday, September 7, 2008

Oh, College.

Well, I've been living at college for a full week now and already my life has changed completely.
Since I've been here I've: missed 1 class, dropped 1 class, gotten drunk at least 4 times, made out with some random dude at a club, and had a friend wake up in Yale New Haven on account of being absolutely pickled off the DirtyDub.

It's pretty fuckin awesome around here, not going to lie. I've been here for a week and I can't see myself leaving anytime soon. Bring on the 5 year plan, student advisor! I'll show all of you how it's done!

The other night started in the parking garage which I've come to know and love. We were all drinking some beers and I had a huge water bottle of Peach Iced Tea and Vodka. Needless to say I ended up getting drunk...and then continued to hit on every male around me. We moved our little party to the Gazebo, a place no doubt will deliver many posts. Its reserved for smokers as a means of shielding the non-smokers from our filthy addiction! Blahblah, everyone hangs in there smokin, drinkin, and sometimes bangin.

So, Gazebo. See a guy from my dorm that lived a few floors above me. My friend, Georgia, and I had hung out with him before and we were about ready to ditch the guys we were with. It starts pouring out and we tell the boys we're going to bed. Georgia and I go up to our friend's floor and end up having a beer with his neighbor and dancing to the sweet sweet sounds of the White Stripes. Dave, the kid we has planned to hang out with, comes into the room and joins the fun!

Later, we go outside to have a cigarette. The rain was coming down hard so I decide to just lay down in a huge puddle. My booze-induced spontaneity inspired the other three to start sprinting around the quad slip 'n sliding in the grass and scattered puddles. It was fucking awesome. Not long after, we took a break laying in the grass letting the rain come down on us. I looked around at my new friends, barely knowing them for more than just a few good moments and felt completely satisfied and thankful.

After feeling so trapped towards the end of the summer, I couldn't stop thinking about how free and alive I felt just then. I was cut up, Georgia had ripped her favorite Sevens, Dave kept kissing my forehead, and Jake just wanted to dance. With our different lives and agendas, we had all come to the same place looking for just this particular moment of freedom and that night we found it with a few strangers.


Cunning_Linguist said...

Welcome to some of the best times of your life. Wish I could re-live it again with ya.

I must have missed it somewhere. Which college?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun, with much much more fun to come.