Monday, April 7, 2008

It never ends.

"I'll be at Chiane's for 1:30. Just text me if you're not coming."

He never came and he never texted.
I waited for 20 minutes before I got the nerve to walk back to my car and drive home.
A few nights later, I smoke pot with my ex-boyfriend and Doug calls him.
My ex informs him I'm at the party.
I'm in the kitchen saying goodbye to everyone when he walks in, gives me a shit-eating grin and I can't help but smile back. Then again, what does one do in situations like these? I leave sad and stoned and exhausted.

Tonight, as I'm finishing up my book, I get a phone call.
I don't recognize the number so I call back.
They don't pick up but I hear a familiar voice on the answering machine.

Joe calls back a few moments later asking, rather politely to his credit, if I knew where he could score some coke. I respond, "Well yes, but surely not right now. It's 10:30 on a monday night."

He says thanks, and says that I should expect to hear from him soon.
He was always well-mannered.


TKTC said...

he did always sound like a rather sweet boy. wish he was keeping it herbal though...gew.

Patchwork said...

you know what, I'm not even surprised.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a winner. Heh.

Ivonne said...

All I can comment on this is, Really? Coke? On a Monday night?

ETP said...

exactly my point! I mean really, monday?