Friday, December 14, 2007

IM Convos that define who I am.

ETP: i dont understand the situation with Joe
ETP: we just hung out
ETP: and no mackage
solo pat: whatthefuck
solo pat: what did you do
ETP: just went to FYE and then to his friends house
ETP: who wasnt home but we still hung out in his basement
ETP: it was fun
ETP: but there was no kissing.
ETP: is he waiting for the perfect moment?
solo pat: idkkk
ETP: whatever.
ETP: if it doesnt happen this weekend= friend territory
ETP: i cant believe im back here!
solo pat: oh noo we keep getting back
ETP: ETP is frustrated like none fucking other
ETP: i forgot some of my shit in his car so we met up at lake garda and even then
ETP: nothing
solo pat: that was like perfect
ETP: that would have been perfect moment!
solo pat: i knowww
ETP: ugh.
ETP: he was just like "okay well call me tomorrow!"
ETP: i think im gonna call jon.
ETP: i dont need to peruse just one option
solo pat: elyse
ETP: if one gets serious- ill stop. until then there is no reason to settle after one drunken make out
solo pat: stop FREAKING out
ETP: im not freaking out.
solo pat: well you dont need to call jon
ETP: why the heck not?
ETP: his friends are sweet and have awesome pot
ETP: and hes hot
ETP: and we have a good time
definitely shouldn't call him.
solo pat: lol fine
solo pat: ETP: his friends are sweet and have awesome pot
solo pat: thats the clincher
ETP: haha well OBVIOUSLY.
ETP: reason why i said it first
ETP: but the longer we do the "getting to know eachother" thing the more bored i get. id rather get to know him naked.
ETP: thats all im sayin
solo pat: oh goddddd

17, impatient, antsy*
A deadly combination, my friends.
What the hell should I do?

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*originally: horny- changed in the better interest of my safety.


Patchwork said...

nice pic, haha.
good chat as well.
but I'm sticking by my theory that I already explained to you.

my advice? YOU make a move, or at least work a little harder to show you want a slice of the Joe Croze pie

Anonymous said...

17, impatient, horny

Do you have any idea how many perverts google is going to deliver to your blog now?

ETP said...

Yikes, maybe I should change that.

Mr R Rabbit said...

Seventeen, impatient and horny? Isn't that just the standard condition at that age?

TKTC said...

Ha- I'm still impatient & "antsy" at 24. You'll survive. And it will be fun:)