Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Would someone

explain to me why the hell I compulsively scroll to my ex's screen name and then incessantly check his away message? While you're at it, please explain to me why I'm so crazy!

I need someone new to obsess over.
Or at least to have some good conversations with.
Maybe good conversation is too much to ask,

if you are NEAR my age (ahem mortar you're out sorry!) decently attractive, a good kisser, and able to finish a book (doesn't matter what kind, though Kesey is a personal favorite) PLEASE CONTACT ME.

elyse the portuguese.


Anonymous said...

You don't like guys old enough to be your 'legal guardian'?!?! It's always something. Life is so cruel. Well, I have the mental age of a 13 year old...which I am sure is appealing.

I think it's natural to want to be with someone. The fact I usually never obsess is the exception, not the rule, but even I did one time and for a loooong time.

She had gmail, too, and would suddenly turn green for like five minutes once a week and I would just stare, wondering what she was thinking and doing and crap. She sued to IM me once every long while and it always sort of freaked me out so finally I just blocked her ass off. For some reason it made me feel better.

Usually I just think to myself "Another dyke...what are the odds?" and move on.

ETP said...

Let me get this straight, if a chick doesn't dig you, you assume she's a dyke? Or you just tell yourself that anyways? I like your style.

Anonymous said...

Aw, damn, and I had all the other requirements nailed down.

Anonymous said...

How could they be straight, to pass up my luvin?

So@24 said...

Ooooh... you know my thoughts on that. At least you aren't MySpace/Facebook stalking.

Dire, dire consequences!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.