Monday, October 8, 2007

Dear Movie Theatres of Patheticut,


all of you advertised it.
and made me almost cry at the previews
undoubtedly gave me chills
made me fall in love with just the fucking PREVIEW.

and then when it comes time to finally watch one of the potentially greatest movies ever on the silver screen, you decide "NOPE!" and refuse to air it anywhere in CT.





Anonymous said...

And that's why I live in the city. Hooray for me.

ETP said...

Actually I saw it tonight. It was great. Patheticut threw in the towel.

Cunning Linguist said...

You now owe me 12 cents for using the term "Patheticut". I'm running a tab on you now ya know.

ETP said...

It's just so perfect! P.S. 12 cents? why 12? why not 10? or 15? better yet, why don't you kiss my ass!


Cunning Linguist said...

12 because I said 12 dammit!

Is that an offer to be taken while watchng anime and eating corn dogs with a side of pop tarts? :P

P.S. - Dashboard... that's where you add links and thingies. Right hand side where you can "add an element". That's where you add links. Mine is to always be on top. ;)

Anonymous said...

Also, if he kissed your ass, I think it would violate some child safety law. Wait a couple years.

Anonymous said...

And I second the link love demand. Blogroll it up!

ETP said...

I've searched and searched and I don't have the fucking thing. I'll just give you my damn password if you can find it for me.

ETP said...

Just kidding. I found it.
I bet you little fucks were chomping at the bit to get my e-mail and password for a minute there.

Even though, I guess if you knew my e-mail it wouldn't be a HUGE ordeal.

Cunning Linguist said...

uhmmmm... lemme guess. How close am I? Pretty close? Do I win a prize or sumthin?

psssst.... it's under your picture located in your profile. I don't need the password. What would I do with it? Guest blog or something? Puh-lease. I don't even have the time to post on my own blog for crying out loud.

btw... I noticed I'm at the top of the list. Smart girl ( even if you called me a little fuck, which I will remember.)