Friday, September 21, 2007

Porn for AZNS and freaks.

It's been a while. My 3 readers total must be in a total state of disrepair but nonetheless, I'm back.
I have been busy as fuck.
For real, busybusybusy.
I really don't even know where to begin.
Well, I just got home from work and am planning to go out to a local diner in a few minutes. Not exactly what I would consider shit tons of fun, but oh well. That's what you get when you're underage and shit out of luck for a place to party. Plus, the Patheticut living status doesn't help.
Anyways, I am sick and tired of having to provide, for some friends, something to do.
Do I look like a fucking event planner? Clearly, not. And THEN, if I do something fun and don't include one of these friends, I am suddenly accused for alienating them. For goodness sake, shut the fuck up. PLEASE.
Whatever. Everyone sucks. Except the friends I actually do like=)
Yesterday I went to the mall with the Spanish exchange students and their owners.
I think I included the Spaniards in the last post...
Well, I'm in love with one. Not really. But I could be if he wasn't so...pre-pubescent? weird.
So we went to the mall and checked out Anime Porn at FYE. May I just say, WHAT THE FUCK?
The most disturbing shit I have yet to have witness.
"Project Boobs" was my personal favorite.
The cover was of a cartoon AZN (asian, lol) girl (who was crying p.s.) with her huge ass taking up half the picture. On said ass, was some sort of cum design. At first, I thought it might read something, but no. Just a random pattern. Abstract cum? hmm. Then if you looked close, you could see some otherrr fluids...shooting out of her string thong. This shit was just fucked. Just imagine all this as a cartoon. They had little descriptions on the back read like this:

"The mysterious Uji likes to have his way with unsuspecting women on the train. Except, he's really bad at it. SO! The well learned Taki takes Uji under his wing and teaches him. How to romance the ladies like a true champion." WITH the sentence fragment and everything.
This was followed by a cartoon of a Japanese dude with long hair doing it doggy style with a Japanese girl...who was also crying. Fucked.

Conclusion: If you watch Anime Porn, never EVER talk to me. Unless you'll let me actually watch it. I must say, I'm a little intrigued. Only because I can't imagine that shit actually being sexy or something that would get me, or anyone for that matter, going.


Cunning Linguist said...

I don't get the whole anime porn thing either. It's kinda lame, actually. Japanese cartoon artists have to be THE most sexually frustrated people in the world by my estimations. I suppose I'd sit and watch it with ya, but I'd just wind up making up my own subtitles.

Oh, and for the record..... your hair looks incredible today, darling. ( my little bit to fluff the ego, donch'a know).

ETP said...

Well well well. You think you can just come around my page after falling off the face of blogger for a week? Complimenting my hair and making cute jokes about sexually frustrated Asians? Well, think again, Russ!


guess what!
I was talking about the same disturbing bullshit to some kid I go to school with. He seemed to know quite a bit about it so I was like "what the fuck?" and he explained how his brother, a sort-of-friend of mine, got caught by his parents watching it! Fucked up!
I expect people who find this shit interesting to be damn near close to the scum of the earth, not a sort-of-friend of mine. I'm all creeped out=(